About Us

Marmin – Connecting Businesses

Building Open Unbusy World

We are on a mission – To be a unified platform for businesses.

We are a technology company building secure, trusted, and valuable platforms for businesses. We enable Small and Medium Enterprises to digitally transform and move towards Industry 4.0.


So, yes, we are moving—several steps ahead, leaping towards the future with an ecosystem for businesses. Our platform is a cloud-based, open-to-business SaaS platform acting as a hub between businesses. We believe information exchange between companies should be end-to-end and straightforward. In addition, transactions should be easy, transparent, and trackable.

Lets talk about Features

Feature 1 - E-Invoicing Phase II

E-Invoicing Phase II

Come onboard and rest assured for ZATCA Integration Phase II. With us, you are ready.
Feature 2 - Connect with any ERP

Connect with any ERP

Connect over API, SFTP, or any other connector. MS Excel uploads for Small Businesses.
Feature 3 - Scalable


One invoice or 100,000 invoices. Not a worry. Create invoices at scale.
Feature 4 - Mobility


E-Invoices on the go. Unstoppable business. Field crew creates and issues invoices remotely. Ensure business continuity.
Feature 5 - Safe and Secure

Safe and Secure

KSA Data Localization. Your data always remains in KSA. Data Encryption in transit, Encryption of data at rest.
Feature 6 - B2B and B2C Ready

B2B and B2C Ready

Create Standard Invoices (Notes) or Simplified Invoices (Notes)
Feature 7 - Build and Manage Teams

Build and Manage Teams

Add members and control access with specific user rights.
Feature 8 - Document Exchange

Document Exchange

Send document on the platform. Receive it on the platform*.

Open. Business


Simple and Easy Integration

A wide range of API end points that you can tap into to access all of Marmin’s features. We help you make your product better.


  • API Based Integration
  • SFTP Based Integration
  • Excel Upload

Security & Compliance

SSL Encryption

SSL Encryption

Data Resides in KSA

Data Resides in KSA

User Access Management

User Access Management

Multi Factor Authentication

Multi Factor Authentication

Automate Document Processing

Automate any document flow related business processes
such as manual entry of receipts, invoices and more.

Highly Scalable

Marmin automatically adapts to any of your requirements
no matter the complexity.

Fast Learning

Marmin learns from every invoice it processes and get better and faster.

Versatile precision

Super precise and accurate data capture from any invoice.

Secure and Reliable

Marmin ensures privacy, security and data integrity. You will never have to worry about data safety.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an electronic invoice?

E-Invoice is a tax invoice generated in a structured electronic format through electronic means. A paper invoice converted into an electronic format through copying, scanning, or any other method is not an electronic invoice.

Tax Invoice (B2B)

It is an invoice usually issued by a Business to another Business (B2B), containing all tax invoice elements.

Simplified Tax Invoice (B2C)

It is an invoice usually issued by a Business to consumer (B2C) containing all simplified tax invoice elements.

Ref:    What is e-invoicing? (zatca.gov.sa)

How to Comply with E-Invoice Generation Phase (Phase 1)?

Over the years, your organization has invested heavily in existing ERP/Accounting software. But, as we advance, what if your current ERP software provider cannot comply with ZATCA’s e-invoicing mandate?

Relax and continue using your existing ERP software. In parallel, adopt a compliant e-invoicing solution that fulfills ZATCA’s Phase-1 requirement and secures your business for ZATCA’s Phase-2 needs. The stated approach brings minimal change to your functioning business.

Ensure your staff is ready before 4 Dec 2021, create awareness amongst your staff and ensure relevant staff is familiar with e-invoicing solutions

How to choose Compliant E-Invoicing solutions?

Saudi ZATCA has listed several e-invoice software solutions providers on its website.

Compliant solutions


  • Have ability to connect to internet.
  • Issue QR code for B2C – Simplified Invoice
  • Have user session management
  • E-invoice generated must be time stamped and linked to the previous invoice


  • Uncontrolled access
  • Modification or deletion of invoices after they are issued
  • Invoice counter (system internal numbering) reset
  • Multiple invoice sequence
  • Software time changes
I have a medium-sized business. How to prepare for e-invoicing?

E-Invoicing Phase one (generation) technical requirements are fairly simple and can be fulfilled by strong inhouse technical team. In case of absence of inhouse technical team, solution provider like Marmin help you become compliant. Phase two (integration 01 Jan 2023) requirement are more technical in nature and it is suggested to associate with a technology partner for the shift.

Is there any data residency or Data center legal requirement?

Based on ZATCA.GOV.SA, Yes, in accordance with article 66 in the Implementing Regulations of the Value-Added Tax Law. Additionally, non-tax related regulations may apply to the taxpayer entity, such as National Cybersecurity Authority and/or National Data Management Office published laws and any other applicable regulations or controls. In case a cloud e-invoicing solution or a cloud data center located outside the kingdom is used, an extension or access to data must be available in the branch that is located in the kingdom, and it should allow access to all related records.

Marmin cloud servers are located in Saudi Arabia with high availability, scalability and in compliance.

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